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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Magic Fabric takes precautions for the security and privacy of your personal data. This Privacy policy’s purpose is to explain how and why we collect personal data, and what we use it for.

For all inquiries and complaints regarding the security and privacy of your data please contact


Personal Data We Collect


Magic Fabric talent network

  • The data you fill out in your job application include: e-mail address, name, profession, personal, hyperlink to portfolio website, and a personal message

Magic Fabric newsletter

  • The data you fill out in our newsletter include: e-mail address


Data collection purpose

The collected data will be used for marketing and recruitment purposes.

You may ask for the correction and update of your data at any time or fully delete your data by reaching out to


Data Access

The access to your personal records as a newsletter subscriber is limited to Magic Fabric employees. The access to your Magic Fabric talent data may be shared with Magic Fabric partners or customers, solely for recruitment purposes.