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AI Face Animation Using D-ID

AI Face Animation Using D-ID

People were asked to animate ancient photos of their families for their first POC. One of the many straightforward deep fakes available for personal use is provided by the Israeli company D-ID, which allows users to add speech and animation to 2D graphics. Character design is making strides in providing fresh approaches to bypass using conventional 3D software for digital entertainment by adding AI toolkits.


D-ID is a Tel Aviv-based startup using AI and deep learning for animating still photos, facilitating high-quality video productions, and creating viral user experiences. The company raised $25 M Series B earlier in 2022 and became famous for making people’s family photos come alive by animating and adding speech to old photos of loved ones – a viral success on social media. The patented technology available to developers through APIs has been used by a range of licensees across media, education, and marketing. An example is letting avatars of famous people deliver personalized messages in video format. Longer-term, D-ID suggests how this technology could be used in virtual worlds where digital avatars of people could be animated with AI — and not just faces, but full-body movement in 3D worlds.



Character designed using Midjourney and animated with D-ID


AI bypassing traditional CGI

Even if D-ID yet hasn’t reached a level of maturity to be considered a proper “deep-fake”, the technology is controversial. It’s easy to imagine similar applications being misused as the level of realism and accessibility increases. AI animation technology may have numerous benefits, but it’s crucial to consider its ethical implications. As the technology improves, the likelihood of misuse or harmful applications grows. To prevent this, it’s important for developers and users to be responsible and act ethically as well as create international large-scale ethical frameworks and policies. This means being aware of potential dangers and finding ways to use the technology for good. The objective should be to use AI animation for the benefit of people, not for negative purposes.

But creating animated videos without involving video footage or expensive CGI is becoming attractive for a large number of markets – even the ability for users to completely bypass 3D technology. For example, in industries like education, healthcare, and entertainment, AI animation could have a positive impact. With AI animation tools for still images, we are also enabling the production of personalized chatbots, – while cutting out the majority of their production costs. 



Character designed using Midjourney and animated with D-ID


Read more about Stable Diffusion 

Read more about Midjourney