Reach out with magic ideas!



Virtual Prototyping

Fashion pieces by Denise van Gent

Virtual Prototyping

-It’s as if I was in a computer game. Once you know the rules, you can play for hours’, explains Design student Jennifer Droguett. This virtual “game” is 3D virtual prototyping software developed by Lectra. Designing clothes with this technology can feel like playing a game with an avatar

Software for virtual garment prototyping seems to continue winning ground in the fashion industry and fashion schools worldwide are preparing their students for a new, 3D oriented craft landscape.

Tech company Lectra recently collaborated with dutch AMFI in letting the students innovate with their virtual 3D software.  High function aswell as more experimental suggestions were made.

AMFI teachers stress the fact that a fashion designer of today need to know the physical craft aswell as keep up with new technology.


-For companies such as Adidas and Nike the 3D virtualization of their collections is already implemented. By reducing samples they reduce costs, that’s a fact

-Fashion companies like Dior Homme and other fashion brands are following. They will all need the 21st century designers that graduate with these 3D skills in their portfolio. (AMFI)


Alicia Isabelle




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