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3d modelling Tag

American footwear designer Joey Khamis re-invents how footwear is made by using VR as a part of his design process. Using simple hand interaction to model his creations, he manifests VR certainly isn’t only about digital entertainment. Now he’s launching

Many 3D studios already qualify as digital fashion ones. At least if you look the creative briefs of Already Been Chewed - a Texan studio that’s landed collaborations with brands such as Nike, Vans and Louis Vuitton with spectacular output.

Creating convincing digital humans has traditionally been hard, slow, and expensive. With MetaHuman Creator, the time to create a unique digital human of the highest quality, complete with hair and clothing, is slashed. Here is a first look at the

“We want to show a completely new way to produce and sell fashion. Another world is possible” says Atacac founder Richard Lindqvist. With a renowned career as a fashion designer running his own studio as well as consulting mega brands