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3d fashion Tag

Tom Rushbrook FOUNDER AND CREATIVE DIRECTOR OF SKO-LAB With a career spanning 20 years, as a designer and creative director, Tom has led and worked alongside some of the world's best creatives, innovators, artists, and athletes within the biggest brands in the industry,

Vincent Schwenk 3D ARTIST AND OWNER, VINCENT SCHWENK Vincent Schwenk is a 3D artist who has expanded his visual skills into multidisciplinary fields, from designing album sleeves to creating corporate branding projects, as well as conference identities and digital art. After graduating

When we look back on a turbulent year in technology, we've seen tremendous advancement: from the booming development of generative AI platforms and tools to the beginning of a new age in VR headsets and regulatory reforms in the fashion

American footwear designer Joey Khamis re-invents how footwear is made by using VR as a part of his design process. Using simple hand interaction to model his creations, he manifests VR certainly isn’t only about digital entertainment. Now he’s launching

“What worked last week, might not work this week”. With great success, Spanish 3D studio Pleid St. catapulted themselves into the crypto art market with their punk futuristic fashion brand Neo Dlx. But it’s a highly unpredictable market moving at

A fashion house that empowers designers and a DAO where its members collectively provide artistic direction. Founder of London fashion startup _altr  Jessie Fu shares her vision of how the studio wants to use web3 for the benefit of the

A compelling combination of experimental fashion, visual absurdity, and a bit of dark humor. For Austrian 3D artist Helmut Breineder, the unexplored plays an important role in the creative process, even when working together with clients.     You are an artist, engaged

  The Sandbox in game wearables can be seen as the next frontier for gaming NFT:s and Sandbox recently announced a partnership with Adidas. On the platform, players will have their own equipment, clothing and accessories to customize their avatar. The Sandbox

  Magic Fabric is now on Roblox. Get unique Magic Roblox skins and jump in!   What is Roblox? Roblox, the online gaming platform that's been making waves in the world of gaming, is a hit with players of all ages. This revolutionary platform

Creating convincing digital humans has traditionally been hard, slow, and expensive. With MetaHuman Creator, the time to create a unique digital human of the highest quality, complete with hair and clothing, is slashed. Here is a first look at the